Here is a picture of Franz, Quag and myself. We were talking and talking and Franz gave us a new word - "verkrampft".
I think the Germans have so many really good words and since I an English speaker I guess I like to snatch good words and put them up in a great big word collection box. Verkrampft is similar to feeling cramped up or tied up in knots, at least that is how I understand it. I think the word "cramp" must be a relative of it.
Franz says it is the opposite of easy. I will have to think and see if I can start to use it right. (Franz if you are reading this I hope I have this right)
I keep learning so many different things by just being around people. Maybe one day I will go to Germany and see it for myself. I will have to learn a whole lot more German words though because I don't want to visit a place and be rude by not knowing the basic words to be polite.
ALTGARD Taylor Top & Jeremiah Pants
2 weeks ago
Ish it correct, brosher. And ish it a very nishe pic-sher! (oh... too mush beer yesherday!my head ish egg-shploding...)
Hope you are both feeling well today, Rammy and Franz. Nobody feeling "verkrampft"? Franz please love, get a nap, gets some rest, stop burning the candles at all ends.
To Franz:
i love you
you love me
we're a happy family
with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you
wont you say you love me too!
To Rammy:
i love you
you love me
we're best friends as friends should be
with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you
wont you say you love me too!
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